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What is Ethereum Classic (etc) price prediction 2025?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Prediction 2025 If the upward trend continues until 2025, it could reach $74.30and ETC may profit. If the market experiences a decline, the goal may not be met. ETC is expected to trade at an average price of $67.93and a low of $63.69in 2025. Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price Prediction 2026

What is the etc price expected to reach by 2025?

Our Price Prediction Considering the historical price movements and the recent change in the price, the ETC price is expected to trade around $150 to $180 by the end of 2021. However, keeping the bullish momentum intact, the ETC price is expected to reach above $300 to $350 by the end of 2025.

What is the etc price prediction for 2023?

ETC Price prediction for rest of the 2023 suggest the token could be bullish for the rest part of the year, and buying the token now can fetch more than 250% gains, in terms of fiat. In the month of April 2023, ETC could be seen trading in the range of $18.90 to $25.99.

What happened to the bitcoin price in 2021?

The price surged upwards slowly and set a new all-time high of $176.16 USD by May 6, 2021. But after two weeks, it fell back to around $69.73 USD, which is 60% below its all time high, but 1,500% above its starting price which was $4.25 USD at the beginning of the year 2021.

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